Длинна mp3: 01:15
Текст произведения: 328
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Публикация: 2016-09-23
Do you like my sword, sword? Sword, my diamond sword, sword You can not afford, 'ford Ford, my diamond sword, sword Even if you could, could I have a patent No one else can make a sword Exactly in this manner, manner Welcome to my manor, manor I ca ca ca canna canna Swing, swing, swing my sword, sword Whenever I get bored, bored I can swing my sword, sword I can swing my sword, sword Once I hit the floor boards But I had it restored Then it was expensive But it was a write off Swinging is my business And by that I mean swinging swords Please do not ignore Do you like my sword? Ha That was retorical You know I am the oracle I know you like my sword It's made of freakin' diamonds If you don't you're lying But that would be fine Because it is awesome And you're probably jealous I can swing my sword, sword Cuz I am the lord, lord Lord of diamond swooooorrrrrddddssssah
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